Working within the Congressional system requires building relationships with both members and staffers by creating memories and helping them succeed in their roles. I share my model for lobbying with the Legislative Branch.
Control Systems for Business Optimization
When designing a system like an elevator or spaceship, engineers use control systems to ensure they work properly. I’ve found that control systems can also be used in organizations to optimize performance and resources.
Managing Cadence and Stress for Optimal Team Performance
To keep productivity high, leaders must manage the workload and stress levels of their teams. Too much work or stress leads to burnout and lower creativity and innovation.
Universities: Wrestling with the Law of Minimal Organization Growth
Universities, like corporations, must follow the laws of minimal growth to remain healthy. To mitigate excessive tuition, they must be creative to generate the necessary revenue.
Law of Minimal Growth for Organizational Health
All organizations must grow revenue by 7-10% each year to remain healthy and viable.
Repetition is a Refrain
When people repeat themselves, whether due to memory issues or conversation styles, it can be frustrating for the listener. But if you think of it as a refrain from a song or poem, then suddenly, it isn’t as annoying.
Recruiting: Choosing Talent and Passion Over Job Experience
Hiring employees who will become star players in your company requires more than matching a person’s skills to a job description. It’s about finding people with talent and passion and adjusting the role to fit them.
Annual Reviews: Better Evaluations with a Matrix Approach
Annual performance reviews provide employees with feedback to improve or increase their performance. I use a combination of the perception equation and a matrix to make these interactions as productive as possible.
Recruiting Engineers
Creating a tech company requires a solid team of engineers. Discover the top three factors that attract the best talent.
Sales Playbook
Sales Playbooks are a way to document your sales processes that allow you to quickly bring your new personnel up to speed. See one example of what this living document looks like.