Writing cover letters can be a painstaking process. Here are some hints and resources to help get to the finish line.
Telling Them the Truth – The Keys to Sound Criticism
Feinberg article about telling the truth in business situations.
All the Right Moves by Anna Muoio
Summary of an interesting article written about what can be learned from chess masters to apply to business or life.
Why Smart Bosses Treat Their Employees Like Dogs
An excerpt from an article written by Rieva Lesonsky.
Likable Business by David Kerpen
Summary of a LinkedIn article from David Kerpen’s book listing 11 concepts for Likable Management.
Dennis Muilenberg – People First, Customer Always!
Dennis Muilenberg share some insights on his management style while the CEO of Boeing Defense. He was subsequently made the CEO and Chairman of Boeing (including all parts of Boeing).
A Five-Step Plan for Making Yourself a Leader Today’s Workers Will Follow
Feinberg’s advice on how to make yourself a leader that creates followership.
The Four Keys to Establishing Your Leadership
List of 4 keys for establishing your leadership from Feinberg’s The New Psychology for Managing People
How to Make Yourself More Valuable to You Boss
An excerpt from Feinberg’s book The New Psychology of for Managing People.
23 1/2 Hour Solution by Mike Evans
Here’s an interesting video that shows a great solution for promoting health.