This theorem indicates that at times the deadline is more important for determining the quality of deliverable than one realizes.
Sliwa Gives Talk at NASA Langley Colloquium
Sliwa gives presentation at NASA Langley Colloquium.
Wright Brothers Army Signal Corps Contract
Original RFP used by the Army to acquire it’s first airplanes from the Wright Brothers.
9 Beliefs of Remarkably Successful People
Jeff Haden wrote an interesting article for Inc. based upon his experience as a ghost writer of business books for successful people.
Path to Success Sketches
Sketches showing the path and roads to success are collated in this blog post.
Dogs in the Workplace
Dogs can improve the workplace environment.
A Forecast of How Manufacturing Will Change in the Next Century
Manufacturing has transitioned from the Adam Smith model of increased production and internal specialization to a customer feedback model involving higher quality. My prediction is the next model will trend to mass customization, delivering customers more value.