Sliwa Gives Talk at NASA Langley Colloquium

In Sliwa News by Steve Sliwa

I was invited to return to my first professional employer after graduation, NASA Langley, to give a talk entitled “Aeronautical Entrepreneuring – A UAV Case History.” I covered background on Insitu, some interesting anecdotes and lessons learned.  The format was to give one talk in the afternoon at the center in the old Harry Reid Conference Center, the location of my first professional meetings and presentations.  In the evening I gave the same presentation at the Virginia Air and Space Museum in downtown Hampton.

It was great to see many former colleagues and friends including Tom (& Nancy) Moul, Duncan McIver, Doug & Kelli Arbuckle, Dana Dunham, Marna & Leonard Mayo during social activities before and after.  On-site I visited with Dave Hinton, Carey Buttrill, Ken Goodrich, Dave Raney, Marti Waszak, Gene Morelli, Dick Huschen, Ray Montgomery, and many others.

Here is the story carried by the NASA Researcher:  link || NASA_LaRC_Colloquium

Here is the story by the local paper, the Daily Press:  link || LaRC_Colloquium_Daily_Press_Article

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