In the corporate world, a simple rule exists. And, it is advantageous for leaders to keep this advice in mind when conducting business with clients and vendors.
Biggest Strengths Are Often the Source of the Greatest Weaknesses
We know that too much of a good thing can be dangerous, but did you realize that the same adage applies to our biggest strengths?
Tactics for Managing Change
Change is inevitable in any organization. As a manager, it is not only important to provide leadership for navigating through these unsettling times but also to encourage your employees to create change themselves.
Preload Praise
Leaders know that praising employees’ work is vital to maintaining high morale and productivity. Many don’t know, however, that praising people upfront can spur positive changes.
Thoughts on Managing Productivity
Every organization and manager must focus on increasing employee productivity growth. Investing in training and education and in better tools are two ways to accomplish this.
Mort Feinberg: My Executive Coach
Dr. Feinberg was my executive coach through a significant part of my career. I strongly recommend that senior executives, especially CEOs, use coaches to further develop themselves and their teams.
Identifying and Managing Corporate Risk
Since risks cannot be driven to zero, companies must determine the amount of money they are willing to spend and how much risk they want to accept. Discover some of the ways to track risk so that you make an informed decision.
Control Systems for Business Optimization
When designing a system like an elevator or spaceship, engineers use control systems to ensure they work properly. I’ve found that control systems can also be used in organizations to optimize performance and resources.
Managing Cadence and Stress for Optimal Team Performance
To keep productivity high, leaders must manage the workload and stress levels of their teams. Too much work or stress leads to burnout and lower creativity and innovation.
Time Scale Model: Frequency of Employee Interactions
As a leader, each of your team members requires some supervision, but the frequency varies from person to person. I use a time scale model to determine the optimal cadence.