About Sliwa Insights

In Introduction by Steve Sliwa

My goal with this website is to share some of my business and personal experiences in hopes that they will make you a better manager and more productive in your day-to-day life. By sharing my observations, advice, and guidelines with entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, leaders, and managers, I aim to shorten their time to success.

The anecdotes I present come from my varied experiences in government, business, and not-for-profit realms. I’ve worked as a NASA engineer and manager, CEO of a start-up educational software business, VP of Engineering for a successful Silicon Valley startup through IPO, university President, graduate-level teacher of entrepreneurship and leadership, CEO of drone-maker Insitu, Inc. with $450M in revenue, just to name a few. I am currently the CEO & Founder of Seeq, a software company providing advanced analytics software to the process industries.

This website is a compendium of materials I used for my courses, a library of external resources and references, and advice I frequently provide when coaching my employees and colleagues. I bring a unique perspective to leadership and entrepreneurship because of my exposure to so many talented leaders in a wide range of industries over the years. I hope these observations benefit you as much as they have me.

But don’t follow my advice blindly. Read, ponder, and analyze what I present, but in the end, customize the information to create solutions that fit your situation.

Please subscribe to the website for updates or contact me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.


I also include a Library section with references to interesting materials I have encountered. These posts tend to be quick summaries of useful books or observations others have made that warrant reviewing and include links to other resources worth checking out.

A special thank you

Dr. Mortimer Feinberg was my executive coach for most of my career. I include materials from the website I created for him at MortFeinberg.com. Read the summary about the way I worked with him. He passed away in 2015 at the age of 93, but he was still checking in with me every month helping me evolve and become a better leader.

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